The Best Investment I Ever Made - A. J. Cronin [alert-success] THE BEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE - A. J. CRONIN [/alert-success] [alert-primary] Short Summary [/alert-primary] [btn href="" class="bt" btn] Back [/btn] "The Best Investment I Ever Made" is an extract from the autobiography of Archibald Joseph Cronin. A. J. Cronin was a Scottish novelist, dramatist, and non-fiction writer who was one of the most renowned storytellers of the twentieth century. At one time, Cronin was leaving New York on a ship. He spotted a strange 40-year-old man who had been staring at him nonstop for two days while his wife stood by his side. Mr. and Mrs John S wanted to meet him and talk to him. After two days, his wife finally got the courage to take him to the author. The author agreed right away. Cronin came to know that this Stranger and his wife was active for 15 years in the field of yout...
ON DOING NOTHING [alert-success] ON DOING NOTHING - J.B. PRIESTLY [/alert-success] [alert-primary] Short Summary [/alert-primary] [btn href="" class="bt" btn] Back [/btn] In 'On Doing Nothing' J.B. Priestley explores the theme of peace of mind. He explains that society as a whole would benefit from taking time out from their everyday work and being lazy for a period. "On Doing Nothing," was one of Priestly's radio talks which was later put together in the book “Open House”. Priestly describes a sunny day in this essay where he and his friend spent a day on a moor which was two thousand feet above sea level. A moor is a large area with not much going on in it. They spent the whole day on their backs in the soft grass. In the moor, there was neither colour nor sound to attract them. All they did was smoking, eating, and drinking from the cool spring water. They did not exchange any thought. They didn't ma...