The Best Investment I Ever Made - A. J. Cronin

 The Best Investment I Ever Made - A. J. Cronin



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"The Best Investment I Ever Made" is an extract from the autobiography of Archibald Joseph Cronin. A. J. Cronin was a Scottish novelist, dramatist, and non-fiction writer who was one of the most renowned storytellers of the twentieth century.   

At one time, Cronin was leaving New York on a ship. He spotted a strange 40-year-old man who had been staring at him nonstop for two days while his wife stood by his side. Mr. and Mrs John S wanted to meet him and talk to him. After two days, his wife finally got the courage to take him to the author. The author agreed right away.

Cronin came to know that this Stranger and his wife was active for 15 years in the field of youth welfare. He was a solicitor by profession and also did social service. Cronin was happy about their service to the society. Cronin asked them what motivated them to do this social work. The stranger spoke some words in Cronin's ear, and the author understood everything in a second.

Cronin found out who the stranger was. It was long time back when Cronin was working as a doctor in London. On a November night, Cronin was awoken by a Sergent who asked to help a man who had tried to kill himself. Cronin arrived on the scene to examine the patient. He gave the person first aid and after hours of trials, he brought him back to life.

On inquiry, the young man told that he borrowed money, gambled and lost all money. He had to pay seven pounds and ten shillings. Ultimately he became depressed and attempted suicide. The doctor spoke kindly to him and gave seven pounds and ten shillings to him to be paid to the creditor. 

This young man, after many years, is now doing social service to honor the one who helped him at the time of his trouble. Cronin said that among all the bad investments he had made in his life, this was the best investment he ever made in his lifetime. 

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Anonymous said…
thanks for sharing