The Listeners - Walter de la Mare

Introduction: The Listeners" by Walter de la Mare tells the story of a lone "Traveller" who arrives at a mysterious, deserted house in the forest at night and repeatedly knocks on the door, calling out to ask if anyone is there, but receives no answer; although the house seems empty, the poem suggests that unseen "Listeners" are inside, silently hearing his calls, creating a sense of eerie isolation and unanswered questions.

 Mysterious setting: The Traveller arrives at a secluded house in the dark, with only the moonlight illuminating the scene. 

"Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight  
To that voice from the world of men:"

Unresponsive "Listeners":
Despite the Traveller's repeated knocks and questions, there is no response from anyone inside the house.

Sense of the unseen: The poem implies that ghostly or spectral beings are present within the house, listening to the Traveller's voice, but they remain silent.
 "But only a host of phantom listeners   
   That dwelt in the lone house then"

Ambiguity: The poem leaves many questions unanswered, including who the "Listeners" are and why they do not respond

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